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Heartworm Preventative

Writer's picture: Mobile Veterinary Practice WIMobile Veterinary Practice WI

Updated: May 3, 2021

The mosquitos are out again, and we wanted to remind you to keep your pet up to date on their Heartworm Preventative and fill you in on a product we are proudly providing!

We like to say it only takes ONE- ProHeart 12 ONE Bite* Can Give a Dog Heartworm Disease.† ONE ProHeart 12 Injection Ensures ONE Full Year of Constant Protection.

With no monthly doses to remember, there are no gaps in protection for a full year. It’s so important to keep your dog protected. Just one missed dose of any heartworm preventative can result in heartworm disease, a potentially fatal condition.

Just one dose of ProHeart 12 provides protection for your dog all year long.

How Do Dogs Get Infected With Heartworms? The short answer: mosquitoes. A single bite from an infected mosquito can put your dog at risk for developing heartworm disease.

1. An infected mosquito bites your dog, infecting your dog with heartworm larvae.

2. The heartworms then mature inside your dog, living in major vessels around the heart and even sometimes inside the heart itself.

One of the BEST solutions is providing your dog with either ProHeart 6 or ProHeart 12.

ProHeart 6 provides 6 months of heartworm disease prevention and ProHeart 12 provides 1 full year of heartworm disease prevention in just 1 shot. The active ingredient, moxidectin, is contained in slow-dissolving microspheres that are stored in your dog’s fat-storing connective tissue (a.k.a. adipose tissue). The medicine is then released evenly over 1 year’s time, keeping your buddy consistently protected from heartworms. Cool, right?

Because it is a newer product, there isn't a resistance built up like we have found with HeartGaurd.

Call us today to make the switch to ProHeart and get your dog protected! 715.424.6996


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